UPDATE February 18th 2022.

Having sold out the first 100 I’m pleased to say I have had some more copies of Warmth of the Soul printed. And once again, every penny will go to the two charities.

You can buy a copy from Secret Projects Here


UPDATE December 30, 2021

The edition of 100 has now SOLD OUT. I’m delighted to have raised £1460 for the two charities. Huge thanks to everyone who has supported me.


I am proud to have produced my first Photography Publication, Warmth Of The Soul, a small collection of 34 abstracts and portraits inspired by the people and places of India, beautifully printed by Kozu Books, and with a foreword by Valda Bailey. An edition of 100.

Every penny of the proceeds will go directly to help the beautiful people of that amazing country.

Half to Sunder Rang, the centre in the village of Chandelao near Jodhpur that trains and employs women of the village to make craft goods . It was here I encountered the most amazing hospitality and trust; this profoundly impacted me and directly inspired this book.

The other half will go to social enterprise, Secret Projects for their 'Sponsor Secret Face Masks for India' appeal.  Through the appeal, face masks will be produced by women from Secret Projects Maker Community, providing them with an income and distributed free of charge to communities in India.

Secret Projects are kindly selling Warmth Of The Soul directly, for £12 plus postage.

Buy Here

Thank you so much for your support
